BlueDragon 7.0 for the Microsoft .NET Framework

Windows This is a Community Contributed Download

LicenseFree to try
Supported byEmail, Phone, Forums
Works WithIIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, IIS 7
DocumentationBlueDragon 7.0 for the Microsoft .NET Framework Documentation
Updated onApril 17, 2007
Uploaded byvinceb


BlueDragon is a ColdFusion* Markup Language (CFML) interpreter and runtime that is implemented as an IHttpHandler that is tightly integrated with IIS and ASP.NET. CFML is a popular server-side scripting language for creating dynamic database-driven web sites. Based on HTML-like markup tags, CFML is characterized by its low learning curve and ease-of-use, particularly for web designers who do not have a technical background in traditional programming languages such as C/C++, C#, or Java. *ColdFusion is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated ("Adobe") in the United States and/or other countries, and its use in this document does not imply the sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of Adobe.


BlueDragon allows existing CFML web applications to be deployed on Windows servers running the Microsoft .NET Framework, IIS, and ASP.NET with no or minimal modification. BlueDragon supports the majority of CFML tags and functions through version 7.0. In addition, BlueDragon includes a number of unique CFML features, including: multi-threaded programming (CFTHREAD), CFC interfaces and abstract CFCs, "null" keyword, image processing (CFIMAGE), zip file processing (CFZIP), IMAP mail server integration (CFIMAP), and many others.

The BlueDragon documentation contains a complete list of limitations and enhancements in BlueDragon's CFML implementation.


CFML web applications deployed on BlueDragon can realize immediate performance and reliability benefits due to the tight integration with IIS, ASP.NET, and Microsoft SQL Server. BlueDragon also allows the creation of web applications that are a mixture of CFML pages and standard ASP.NET (".aspx") pages. CFML and ASP.NET pages can share session and application scope variables, with data type conversions handled automatically by BlueDragon. It's possible to create indivdual pages that contain a mixture of CFML and ASP.NET content, and CFML developers have complete access to the .NET Framework class libraries via the CFOBJECT tag and CreateObject functions.


BlueDragon is supported on Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

BlueDragon requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0.